Necessary Steps
The main measures suggested in the training materials can be summed up as follows (with measures 1, 3, and 6 being the most important change-makers):
A) Food selection:
- Measure 1: Climate-optimised menu plan through the substitution and reduction of meat
- Measure 2: Weekly substitution of a meat dish by a vegetable dish
- Measure 3: Partially or completely replace milk and dairy products with plant-based alternatives
- Measure 4: Partially replace rice with spelt
- Measure 5: Use climate-friendly packaging
- Measure 6: Drink tap water
- Measure 7: Use more organic food
- Measure 8: Pay attention to seasonal and regional products
B) Technology:
- Measure 9: Use efficient freezers
- Measure 10: Use efficient refrigerators
- Measure 11: Use cooling instead of freezing
- Measure 12: Be able to use convection ovens and cooking appliances efficiently
- Measure 13: Upgrade to LED lighting
- Measure 14: Use efficient dishwashers
C) Behaviour:
- Measure 15: Efficient dishwashing
- Measure 16: Switch off freezers and refrigerators during holidays
- Measure 17: Care and maintenance of refrigerators and freezers
- Measure 18: Switch off stand-by devices
D) Waste:
- Measure 19: Waste management
More Issues To Consider
- The tool uses the results from “KEEKS - Climate and Energy Efficient Kitchens in Schools”, a German project which received a UN Momentum of Change award. In this project, the implementation of all the recommended measures achieved an emission-saving potential of more than 40%.
- This tool presents a wide range of measures which will, however, take time to implement, such as the introduction of new menus and purchasing of equipment.
- The most important aspects of change are measures numbers 1, 3, and 6.
- To better explain how to implement these measures, training materials, cookbooks, videos, and an exhibition are provided (in German).
- Decisions at the level of the organisation are required regarding the acquisition of more energy-efficient equipment, in line with decisions regarding cooking or manufacturing methods.
- Ways of working can be changed through the transfer of knowledge and education quickly, easily, and relatively cheaply.
Further Information
- International climate-friendly kitchens in schools network
- Further materials from the KEEKS project, such as brochures, guidance, transformation concepts, videos, poster exhibitions etc. (in German)
- Guide with detailed collection of concrete measures for climate protection in school kitchens for practitioners, consultants, schools, and school boards (in German)
- Cookbook with climate-friendly recipes (in German)
- Training manual for practitioners and students in school kitchens: a training booklet with tasks for kitchen staff, apprentices, pupils, and teachers (in German)