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Thematic Gateways:
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Find out more about the necessary steps to develop a roadmap for sustainable school catering in this tool description.

This tool consists of various measures which help catering providers and the people working in kitchens and dining halls to take action in tackling food waste.

This tool explains the benefits and requirements of as well as provides tips for installing the self-service line

An important part of food waste – the plate waste – is generated during the serving and consumption of food. This tool helps with prevention of this food waste with customers.

The use of organic food may be minimal or even non-existent in public catering facilities. This tool suggests how public meal providers can start to use organic food and become supporters of this market.

This tool offers a template to be used by public catering procurers to help them source inspiring sustainability criteria to be included in tenders and achieve real progress in meeting their organisation’s sustainability goals.

Do you want to help ensure high-quality, organic, fresh, regional, seasonal, tasty, and yet economical public meals? This tool provides a concept for a training and networking program for kitchen professionals in public catering facilities.

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