Organizing safety zones to reduce risk of infection


The tool describes a process to organise eating sessions in schools and kindergartens in situations when the risk of infection is high, for example during COVID-19. The tool might be especially relevant for caterers, schools, municipalities and public care institutions.

Необходимые шаги

  • Make a plan for each institution to have an overview of the number of meals to be served per eating (e.g., lunch).
  • Plan lunch in more sessions to reduce the number of children per eating session.
  • Separate the children in groups and maintain these groups to avoid too much contact between children.
  • Organise for hand sanitation at the entrance to the lunch room.
  • Ensure a one-way flow of children along the food counter and make sure children keep their distance to each other. Additional staffs (or volunteers) may be needed to guide the flow.
  • Whenever possible - serve meals to the tables to minimize a flow of children.
  • Place the tables with a secure distance (1 meter) and ask the children to remain seated until the lunch session is over.
  • After lunch, ensure staffs clean the table and chairs before the next group enters the lunch room.

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