Improving dietary competencies among employees of educational care centres


The environment of children and youth educational care institutions is challenging and specific. The burden and responsibility for securing nutritional needs and education in this area rests with carers with neither the competence nor the appropriate tools.

This tool aims to improve nutrition knowledge among carers and solves the problem at its roots - educated and aware carers will become nutritional educators. The tool is easy to implement, economically viable and easily adaptable in other institutions.

The tool supports the implementation of EU strategies and policies for sustainability at large.

Необходимые шаги

  1. Preparatory stage
  • Defining the problem and analysis of needs -– it involves interviews with management, focus interviews with employees, analysis of menus
  • Develop a detailed training program based on the findings of the analysis

2. Implementation stage

  • Conducting theoretical workshops on topics tailored to identified needs (i.e. reading and understanding labels, rules of healthy eating and menu composition, responsible procurement, etc.)
  • Conducting practical workshops – preparing several dishes in groups, considering seasonality and the predominance of vegetables and legumes.

3. Summary stage:

  • Taking corrective actions to reduce food waste and implement a balanced diet;
  • Re-interviews and surveys with management and employees to explore what has changed and what steps to take next.

    Important! The tool can be used cyclically!

Дополнительные вопросы для рассмотрения

  • cooperation with local food producers/ local farms,
  • cooperation with local governments

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